Gosling GPS

I was coming down a path at the Wakarusa Wetlands this morning, watching a couple of geese heading over to the heron hangout when out popped a lone gosling. He was talking up a storm and heading my way. I knew he must belong to the geese that were just swimming off. They were getting farther away and honking so loudly that they probably couldn’t hear him. He ran out of the water and right up to me. I just happened to be between him and his parents. He was trying to get to them, but kept getting tangled up in the grass while they kept getting farther away. I decided I’d better take action, so I grabbed him up and took him to the water and off he went. I was glad I had my gloves on, so hopefully he didn’t smell like human (I don’t know whether or not that matters to geese). I had no idea how fast those little ones can swim!

I watched him until he was out of sight. I knew his parents were on the other side of the little island in the middle of the water and I just hoped they found each other. I walked down the path so I could see the other side, hoping to see them all together again. There were three pairs of geese there by now, so I wasn’t sure who he belonged to, but I did notice the two who had been doing a lot of talking were now sitting in the grass on the shore. I hoped that when I got home and zoomed in on the pictures I would see him. I think I can see a little bit of fluff in the grass. At least that is what I want to believe–a happy ending. Oh my, the little round belly on that little one was just the sweetest. Click on pictures to enlarge.

© Chris Taylor

© Chris Taylor

© Chris Taylor