About admin

Thinking about trying a plant-based diet? I can help. I have a certificate in plant-based nutrition and over ten years' experience in plant-based meal planning, cooking, and research. I help people come up with individual plans that work for them. No fat shaming. No ableism.

So Much Rain!

At our house, we never throw anything in the trash a critter might eat. I had this bread I needed to get rid of, but with so much rain, thought it pointless to throw it on the ground. My solution seems acceptable to our squirrel friends.

Cold Spring Morning

Made it out to the lake over the weekend and was privileged to see our first of the season scissor-tailed flycatcher. It was a chilly morning (31), so there were quite a few birds hanging out on the warm(er) pavement. At this time of year, I always worry about the early arrivals who primarily eat insects. We also saw this beautiful young red-tailed hawk.

Scissor tailed flycatcher sitting on pavement
Young red-tailed hawk sitting in tree

I’m Back!

If you know me, you know 2023 was quite a year. I had breast cancer, a bilateral mastectomy, and quite a few post-surgery complications. The good news is, I am cancer-free! I haven’t been out in the wild spaces much, but I am getting my strength back and hopeful I will be out more often. I was delighted to see an old coyote friend at the wetlands this morning. One of the nice things about Kansas is we may have some brutal cold, but it’s often followed by weather like this. It was in the 50s this morning. Great weather for a walk, and a lovely sunrise.

Harriers, Swans, and Muskrats

I’m finally getting out a bit more and enjoying the new camera! The Canon EOS R is so light and easy to handle. I’m still getting used to the differences between the EOS R and the 5D I used for so long, but I am loving it! The EOS R is excellent for these dark, foggy mornings. Considering just how dark it was on this morning, I am very pleased with these results.

Northern harrier
Geese and swans
Geese, swans, Northern shovelors

New Camera Trials

I finally decided to replace my now very old Canon 5D Mark ii. The 5D has been a remarkable camera. It has been reliable in all the Kansas weather extremes, and I’ve dropped it more than once. This camera has been a hard worker for about 12 years. I’m trying out the Canon EOS R. While I have not been able to spend as much time with it as I would like, so far, it takes some pretty sharp pics. I can’t wait to be out more when the weather cools off a bit!

Great egrets and black birds in tree
Great blue heron standing in water

Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher and Friends

I think it has been about two years since I last saw a scissor-tailed flycatcher. Good to see them again!

scissor-tailed flycatcher perched on blade of grass

We also managed very good looks at a sleeping barred owl and several deer foraging near the road.

Checked in on a nearby great blue heron rookery. They’ve moved back a bit more into the wooded area, so the pictures are not so great, but so glad to see they’re still there!