So Much Rain!

At our house, we never throw anything in the trash a critter might eat. I had this bread I needed to get rid of, but with so much rain, thought it pointless to throw it on the ground. My solution seems acceptable to our squirrel friends.

Fledgling Robin

Our neighbor has a robin’s nest on his house near a security light. Every time the parents go to or from the nest, the light comes on. Lately, the light has been coming on a lot, which means hungry babies growing fast! This afternoon, I got to see my first fledgling of the spring sitting in our maple tree.

Fledgling robin in tree
Fledgling robin in tree
Fledgling robin in tree

More Spring Arrivals and a Glorious Moon

It was a nice mild morning at the wetlands. The moon was beautiful and there are more spring arrivals every day. This morning, I spotted a common yellowthroat (very common at the wetlands!), orchard orioles, and a yellow-breasted chat. The chat was not so accommodating with the photographs. I tried, but he kept moving from the top of one tree to another and always obscured by leaves, so the pictures were not so good. I will keep trying as I’ve seen him in the same place every spring for the past few years. I saw the start of a woven nest—maybe an oriole’s work? The highlight of the morning was watching an osprey fishing!

Common yelllowthroat warbler
beginning of woven nest
Osprey in flight
Osprey in flight
Osprey diving
Osprey in water
Osprey in water

It didn’t look like they got anything on this dive. They shook off the water and kept at it, still circling around when I left. That is hard work! It amazes me how they can take off from in the water. They must have incredibly strong wings.

Osprey in flight
Osprey in flight

Catbirds Arrive!

The catbirds are here! There were three in the yard this morning. I love that they know to come to the patio for a few raisins when they get in. I read they migrate mostly at night, so they probably just arrived when I saw them this morning. It looks like there might already be some courting going on!

Gray catbird
Gray catbird
Gray catbird