Backyard friends

The tree trimmers have been slicing and dicing the neighborhood for a few weeks now. I understand it has to be done around the power lines, but this is so much more than pruning. I’ve been concerned about all those who live in the trees and/or depend on them. I spent some time out in the yard this weekend and was very happy to see most of the usual visitors accounted for. I’m glad this “trimming” isn’t going on during nesting time. I was happy to see our white-headed cardinal friend, though she was too fast this morning for a picture. I did manage to get a couple of pictures of her handsome partner. I also spotted a flicker, red-bellied woodpecker, white-throated sparrow, hungry titmice, and a very curious bunny. Click on pictures to enlarge.

One very charming red-tailed hawk

I met an amazing red-tailed hawk at the lake a few days ago. She seemed very curious about me and I certainly enjoyed watching her. We watched each other for a good thirty minutes before she took off in search of lunch. There were thousands of migrating gulls coming through that day. It was an incredible moment as I felt like we were watching them together. I stood under the tree looking up at her and the gulls flying over while she sat above, watching the gulls and occasionally looking down at me. It is very important to me that photographers respect the space of those they photograph. I was quiet and kept my distance and she stayed around. I felt honored to get to be in her presence for a little while. Click on pictures to enlarge.