
Fledglings are everywhere right now, following their parents around, learning to find food. This cutie was sitting on top of the pole yelling at the top of her/his lungs. It goes something like this, “What do you mean I have to find food for myself? Hungry! Feed me!” Click on picture to enlarge.

Killdeer portrait

I love watching them running along the roadside. The name is because of their two-note call that sounds like “killdeer,” but that’s not what it sounds like to me. Like some other birds, Killdeer have an ingenius way of distracting predators from their nests by pretending to be injured to lure them away. Click on picture to enlarge.

When scissor-tails attack

This red-tailed hawk came flying out of nowhere, then I noticed the scissor-tailed fly catchers in hot pursuit. One seemed to be riding the poor hawk. There was a scissor-tail nest nearby,  so while I feel bad for the hawk, I would imagine these were parents defending their nest.  I’m not sure that the hawk doesn’t have something in her talons. Click on pictures to enlarge. More red-tailed hawk pictures here